Ebook on GenAI Risks and RAFT Framework

Responsible Generative AI

Navigate GenAI Risks
With Confidence

With the rise of GenAI, organizations must build AI systems responsibly and with proper governance. This ebook explores the risks and introduces the RAFT (Reliable, Accountable, Fair, and Transparent) framework for Responsible AI, applicable to both traditional and GenAI systems.

Refine Your GenAI Strategy Today

67% of Respondents Expect GenAI to Alter Their Market and Competitive Landscape

According to a Forrester Opportunity Snapshot — a customer study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dataiku — 67% of respondents believe that GenAI will dramatically reshape their market dynamics and competitive landscape, driving significant changes in how businesses compete and innovate. 

To navigate these changes responsibly, it's crucial to address the complexities of GenAI. Learn how to mitigate challenges like toxicity, data privacy, and model security by applying the RAFT framework, ensuring your AI deployments are ethical and effective.

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Introducing the RAFT Framework

Discover RAFT for Responsible AI Design, Deployment, and Governance

Risks of
Generative AI

Mitigate the challenges posed by Generative AI, such as toxicity, discrimination, and data privacy issues to ensure Responsible AI implementation.

Concerns Based on Expected Audience

Establish clear criteria for reliability and transparency to ensure trust in AI systems for all audiences, including business users and consumers.

Potential Impacts of AI

Assess AI impacts by evaluating direct or indirect harm and immediate or long-term effects, using the NIST Risk Framework and EU AI Act standards.

Putting Principles Into Practice

Adapt the RAFT framework to meet industry requirements and local regulations, ensure data privacy and reliability with third-party models, and more.

“It’s also important to recognize that the risks posed by GenAI are only one part of a broader Responsible AI program. Responsible AI is an approach that aligns the output of AI with an organization’s values by proactively building systems that are reliable, accountable, fair, and transparent. Together, these comprise the RAFT framework for Responsible AI.”

Triveni Gandhi,
Responsible AI Lead, Dataiku

Download Your Guide to Responsible Generative AI