Dataiku Ebook

Natural Language Processing 101

Techniques, Trends, and Business Use Cases

In the past few years, natural language processing (NLP) has moved from the realm of research to the enterprise with plenty of real-world applications.

This ebook looks at emerging trends, techniques, and applications in the data science and NLP field, breaking them down for less-technical readers. 


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Intro to NLP Technology

Covering the Basics of NLP AI

Curious about AI natural language processing applications or find yourself compelled to dig into the research on the latest advancements in natural language understanding? Look no further. Here, in this ebook, you will find a rundown of recent breakthroughs in natural language processing techniques and transformer models.

GM2840 NLP-4-5
GM2840 NLP-9-10

Large Scale NLP Platforms

NLP Use Cases

Looking at examples of natural language processing in specific use cases, this ebook shows how new NLP models and natural language processing techniques (i.e., Attention and Transformer) are being applied to have the most impact and generate the most value in business applications. Given the advancement of NLP architecture and NLP analysis that we have witnessed, we can expect these new models will move from research to business applications rapidly.