Dataiku & UBS Present:

From Excel to Dataiku

How Dataiku can breach the limitations of spreadsheets

Ever found spreadsheets to be cumbersome and challenging to deal with when working on large datasets? Want to know how to automate your Excel based process in Dataiku? Join this session to discover why Dataiku is a great tool for doing much of what you do in Excel (cleaning, preparing, and analysing), except on larger, more complex datasets. 

We'll explore Dataiku concepts and terminology,  map out and automate usual Excel functions in Dataiku, and discuss select use cases for Analysts.


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Dataiku @ UBS

Enabling End-to-End Collaboration at UBS

Get started with Dataiku with ease! You can access Dataiku at no cost until June 2022. Dataiku has provided UBS with an Adoption License which provides FREE and UNLIMITED access to the platform with full support and training until June 30th, 2022. Please contact Nick Bignell on to request your license.

The Speakers

Matthew Galloway Headshot

Matthew Galloway

Data Scientist @ Dataiku

The Agenda

Wednesday, January 19th @ 14:00 GMT 

Time Title Details
14:00 PM Welcome Dataiku Intro
14:05 PM Pivoting from Excel to Dataiku Discover key Dataiku concepts, map out and automate Excel fuctions and explore high-value use cases in action
14:50 Q&A + Wrap Up Get answers to your burning questions