Start Your Dataiku Free Trial
Begin Your Journey With the Universal AI platform
Build, deploy, and manage data, analytics, and AI projects to realize your Everyday AI vision.
- Start building your data projects in under 2 minutes
- Invite up to 5 users to work with you on your AI projects
- Build your first project quickly with 50+ prebuilt, ready-to-use Dataiku solutions
- Let your projects be fully managed by Dataiku on our secure servers
Access Dataiku for Free for 15 Days
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Discover the Universal AI Platform
Get access to your data, clean and prepare it, build dashboards and KPIs, run predictive models, deploy them into production, and monitor them — all in one place!

Bring Generative AI to Life
With Dataiku, teams can move beyond the lab and build real and safe Generative AI applications at enterprise scale.

Accelerate Data Preparation for Better Business Insights
Empower business and analytics teams to connect, cleanse, and prepare data for analytics projects at scale.

Empower Your Team with AutoML
Engage data experts of all types to build and evaluate advanced machine learning models using AutoML and the latest AI techniques.

Unify, Operationalize, Repeat
Enable data scientists, ML engineers, and operators to deploy, monitor, and manage machine learning models and AI projects in production.

"Dataiku is a platform that accelerates the democratization of data."
— Digital Culture Manager in the energy and utilities industry
Gartner Peer Insights
“Dataiku is a full solution, helping us build a purpose-driven data practice in the modern era.”
— Dr. Michael Schuh, Chief Data Scientist
OshkoshStart Your 15-Day Dataiku Free Trial
You are 2 minutes away from starting your journey to universal AI.