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Forrester: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Dataiku

413% ROI With Dataiku

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Discover the Benefits of Dataiku

80% Time Savings on Manual Processes

Realized in Year 3

" using the Dataiku platform, users see a significant improvement in their productivity on a day-to-day basis and across different phases of their work, from data extraction and analysis to model deployment and monitoring."

More than 600 companies worldwide use Dataiku to get their Return on AI, bringing together experts from across their organizations for faster time to value on data and AI projects.

“Dataiku is our global standard for AI and machine learning.”

Head of Data & Analytics
Fashion Industry
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Cost Savings & Business Benefits Enabled by Dataiku

Three-year, risk-adjusted present value (PV) quantified benefits for the composite organization in the Forrester: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Dataiku study include:

Increased User Productivity

Including over 70% time saved by data scientists and data engineers on data analysis and extraction, 80% time savings on manual processes, and 40+% average time reduction for model lifecycle activities, including model training, deployment, and monitoring.

Reduced Costs

By using Dataiku and empowering its own workforce to work with data, the composite realizes substantial cost savings because it no longer needs to leverage as many external tools and/or third-party organizations — a benefit quantified at $3 million+ in savings. 

Efficiency Savings for Business Users

The interviewed data leader have highlighted how the outcomes of the work done on Dataiku benefited their entire organizations, mainly due to the automation of  a variety of manual processes. Automation reduces manual work by 80% in Year 3.

Improved Decision Making

Dataiku supports the composite organization from a top-line standpoint, impacting the composite's revenue directly. An estimated $15.1 million PV results from improved decision making due to Dataiku's democratization of data usage and access.

Plus: Improved Governance, Increased Data Security, & More

Unquantified benefits also called out by customer interviewees and identified by Forrester in the study include:

  • Faster time to value
  • Democratized access to data
  • Enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Improved user experience
  • Increased data security and compliance
  • Improved governance
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Unpack All the Benefits in the
Forrester: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Dataiku Study