AI Regulatory Readiness Starter Kit

Prepare for New AI Regulation

to Save Costs
& Ensure Compliance

Organizations worldwide are prioritizing regulatory readiness for upcoming AI regulations. This involves preparing by raising awareness, enhancing understanding, and establishing strong foundations to facilitate compliance.

This flipbook highlights five key pillars that data and IT leaders should keep in mind when dealing with all things regulation.  

Get Your Guide to AI Regulatory Readiness

Non-Compliant Organizations Face Potential Fines of Up to €35 Million or 7% of Their Worldwide Turnover

Regulatory risk extends beyond financial penalties, as non-compliant organizations may suffer reputational damage and loss of customer trust, as well as the cost of abandoned AI efforts due to lack of compliance.

Tools like Dataiku, the Universal AI Platform, can help organizations ensure top-level compliance and a strong understanding of AI asset awareness by enabling them to track all projects being governed by their business areas in one place. 

“Scaling AI can deliver high performance for customers, shareholders, and employees. Use of AI Governance platforms that ensure end-to-end AI/ML lifecycle governance, collaborative risk management, and regulatory excellence for AI can be a game changer."


"As a platform, Dataiku is elegant in its simplicity — it has the tools and the languages, and we can put governance and guardrails around it too."

— Steve Perry
Head of Data Delivery, Convex

“Dataiku emphasizes auditability, fairness, and explainability in its solution, positioning itself as an inclusive platform that caters to models produced both within and outside of Dataiku." 


“The EU AI Act is not just regulation; it is a call to action for the technology industry to pioneer responsible AI innovation. It underscores a concerted effort to govern the development, deployment, and use of AI systems, with a focus on safeguarding fundamental rights and ensuring transparency and accountability.” 

— Neil Ward-Dutton
VP of AI, Automation & Analytics Europe, IDC
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The 5 Key Foundations for Regulatory Readiness

Organizational & Technical Pillars to Keep in Mind for Compliance

1: Understanding Regulatory Requirements

Raising awareness, enhancing understanding, and establishing solid foundations for effective implementation of compliance activities. 

2: Selecting Leadership & Sponsorship

Ensuring one person from the leadership team owns the regulatory readiness initiative and combats inefficiencies.

3: Defining Responsibilities

Scoping the accountabilities of each team with respect to regulation readiness. 

4: Ensuring AI Governance

Enforcing rules, requirements, and processes that shape how AI systems are designed, developed, and deployed.

5: Establishing Tooling Foundations

Developing an understanding of AI asset awareness and identifying tooling capabilities to address regulatory compliance.

Ensure Top Level Compliance With This Guide