Dataiku Virtual Event

Dataiku Discovery Workshop

An invite only interactive virtual event for analysts and non-coders.

Join Dataiku on November 8th for an exclusive and interactive workshop where you’ll be able to ask questions and gain intimate, firsthand experience with Dataiku’s end-to-end data science platform. We will walk you through setting up Dataiku and no coding or ML experience is necessary.

The session will allow you to dive deep into the Dataiku to prepare data interactively, analyze it, create insights, and augment your analysis using machine learning without coding. 

Sign up now!

Why Should I Attend?

Organizational and Professional Advancement

Beyond showing you the vast capabilities of our data science and machine learning platform, this workshop will:

- Demonstrate the importance of cross-functional collaboration in data initiatives
- Identify areas in the data pipeline where your organization can make efficiency gains
- Expand your advanced analytics potential
- Solve critical pain points and help your organization become more agile

The Speakers


Zaynab ElMawardy

Senior Solution Engineer



Niklas Packendorff

Sales Engineer


The Agenda

Tuesday, November 8th @ 9:30 AM BST // 10:30 AM CEST

Time Title Details
9:30 AM Welcome Attendee Tech-Check, Intro, & Dataiku Demo
9:50 AM Hands-On Workshop Ask questions and explore Dataiku through: data exploration, visualization, prep, enrichment, and Machine Learning
11:20 AM Wrap-up Closing Remarks